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Top  Tools
aircrack-ng-0.9.1 + airpcap
WEP Cracking...Reloaded
Sidejacking with Hamster
KerbCrack 1.3d3
SMB Auditing Tool 1.0.4
SMB Downgrade Attacker 1.1
Match Scanner
SQL Server Password Auditing Tool 1.0.1
Setup & Network
SpotAuditor 4.1.4
Performing the Crack
ECrack v1.0
Network Auditor
Leviathan Auditor 1.0
An Oracle Security Scanner - RoraScanner
ListModules 1.2
ISA Server SP1 Audit White Paper
Proactive Password Auditor 2.01.5623
Secure Auditor 2.0.1262
Signature Creation Using Honeypots
Inzider 1.2
HIHAT - High Interaction Honeypot Analysis Toolkit
AuditPro Enterprise Edition 4
AckCmd 1.1
NtfsInfo V1.0
Unused Account Ferret 2.11
OpenXDAS 0.6.294
PDit 1.0
DiskMon V2.01
Qwik-Fix 0.58
Du V1.2
AW Security Port Scanner 4.61
Chaz V1.0
BOU (Buffer Overflow Utility) 0.94a
PCAudit V2
NetWrix Privileged Identity Management 4.1.145
MegaPing 4.4
MoveFile V1.0
ManageEngine ADAudit Plus 4.1
L0phtCrack Password Auditing & Recovery 6.0.11
Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 4.01
curuncula 4.24
Microsoft System Architecture 2.0
DiskView V2.21
DiskExt V1.0
SecureCFM 1.1
PEriscope 1.2
Hotfix Reporter 3.2
AccesStream 0.8.0
MS API function pointers hijacking

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Soft Name
SMB Downgrade Attacker 1.1
The SMB Downgrade Attacker waits for users to remotely try to map shares, and when they do, it wi...
Soft Directory:Auditing 

SQL Server Password Auditing Tool 1.0.1
This tool should be used to audit the strength of Microsoft SQL Server passwords offline. The too...
Soft Directory:Auditing 

Unused Account Ferret 2.11
Most organizations have procedures in place for removing user accounts that are no longer require...
Soft Directory:Auditing 

AckCmd 1.1
AckCmd is a client/server combination for Windows 2000 that lets you open a remote Command Prompt...
Soft Directory:Auditing 

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 4.01
Acunetix WVS first crawls the whole website, analyzes in-depth each file it finds, and displays t...
Soft Directory:Auditing 

AW Security Port Scanner 4.61
AWSPS features a set of tools for assessment of network security including a TCP connect scanning...
Soft Directory:Auditing 

BOU (Buffer Overflow Utility) 0.94a
BOU is a command-line utility that enables the user to check for buffer overflows on Web Server A...
Soft Directory:Auditing 

Hotfix Reporter 3.2
Hotfix Reporter is a utility that works in conjunction with the Microsoft Network Security Hotfix...
Soft Directory:Auditing 

Inzider 1.2
Shows which processes listen at which ports, and can be useful for finding Back Orifice 2000 when...
Soft Directory:Auditing 

KerbCrack 1.3d3
KerbCrack consists of two programs, kerbsniff and kerbcrack. The sniffer listens on the network a...
Soft Directory:Auditing 

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