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Protection of network security in an age of social networking
  Add date: 09/30/2010   Publishing date: 09/30/2010   Hits: 41
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Companies are beginning to take social networking applications to fast and easy way to stay in touch, organized activity?th and exchange ideas k?. Can Productivity?ts tool or security headaches?How e-mail and Instant Messaging before it k?can social networks is a bigtool it can also cause concern for companies that have learned to adapt - and real business problems that have not learned to manage it as. When companies or not, the employees (especially younger) Registration for these tools, independently?REGARDLESS of whether or not the company policy, forcing the company to catch up. For this reason, there are three major problems that it h?lt in the night. First, consumer applications, the productivity?t to reduce the staff for hours at a time. Second, k?social networks can be vectors for viruses, hackers and phishing attacks. Schlie?Lich steal the image of social networks, audio and video traffic-bandwidth business applications.
So what?such as IT managers are to control the problem?There are not many model companies in terms of one?tze across the enterprise networking social. A few pioneering companies have closed their doors to social networks in corporate networks, such as Shell, Procter &ge?keep ffnetGamble and General Electric social network accounts. An exclusive network Facebook Citigroup has nearly 2,000 members. If we look at usage statistics, peer-to-peer (P2P) have millions of users share photos, software, music and video. Social Networking goes further: MySpace claims more than 61 million active users;Facebook more than $ 65,000,000. The Pew Research Center sch?protected, that the H?half of online adults have used these services to connect with people they know. There are also organizations that are active against the social networking work. Since the nature of government information is often sensitive, social media tools are a major concern for many NGOs. For example, May 2007, the U.S. Army MySpace URL blocking and 12 "Entertainment "of U.S. sites and networks abroad, reference and security concerns bandwidth. Interactive communities such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook and many others are a prime target for hackers to plant beautifuldliche worms and viruses that pose as legitimate users and content pr?sentier the risk of accidental or misuse of critical data. However, k?can these important tools for rapid communication to government information on relations between organizations to spread, but the monitoring of the?public opinion, there is a long way to go about these concerns.
For this reason, instead of rushing into decisions to implement these new social networking tools, it should be a cautious Ann?approximation to the right technology pieces in place by weight?adequate protection of access to and use hrleisten enforce. There are many technical L?solutions available to organizations that support them to access social media tools to enforce strict control over network traffic to protect information and prevent data loss. The decision to block or allow the consumer applications is not white?or black. Guidelines are based on user, application, security requirements and network infrastructure. There are steps organizations on social networking web safely absorb k?. Can 1. Enforcement policy on blocking applications can address this problem. However, the current consumer applications have been developed?ADOS work on different network infrastructures. This makes them difficult to detect and regulate. The policy should also erm?adjusted business applications that provide added value - without compromising on quality?t of service (QoS) 2 Although institutional guidelines some political organizations to apply without exception throughout the network, most start with the definition of general guidelines. Blanket policy to block or regulate all peer-to-peer traffic will adapted k?, Able to perm?regularly to support exceptions, without regulating them or to block peace.

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