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Drink and drug driving campaign?led to irresponsible and filled?dangerous for drivers
  Add date: 10/19/2010   Publishing date: 10/19/2010   Hits: 20
A summer drink and drug driving campaign?in an irresponsible and filled?dangerous for the driver's goal in the 43 Polizeibeh?gestures in England and Wales started. This campaign?to j?annually targets drink drivers and drug use to ensure that the reduction of injuries on our roads?s and take the T?ter trial. The campaign?was ordered to the fact that w?During the summer months, h?forth in the afternoons and evenings are spa?and often focus their vehicles. The number of patients died?ll by drivers with illegal levels of alcohol in your K?caused body has increased by 130 1998-2004?ht. This is unacceptable. This led to?or in addition?tzlich the Fu?FIFA World Cup starts on 9 June 2006 and a time to celebrate for the people, whether at home, the village of H?the other user, or by local in a pub. These go?rt often the consumption of alcohol. This is good, provided that if you have done this, not getting into a car and driving or riding a bike. This campaign?is not to walk?ball fans, who is on each ride illegally targeted under the influence of alcohol or targeted by drugs.
Meredydd Hughes, ACPO lead on the streets?s police and the police chief of South Yorkshire Police said: "Drivers should be responsible in their attitude to drink-driving or under the influence of drugs (either illicit or prescribed) and not to cross into the situation. The police are not willing to offer this kind of Crimes?t tolerate and we intend to strongly against the w?During this campaign?a. "Enforcement of legislation in this area is INDISPENSABLENATUREOF?sslich in reducing the patients died?lle and injuries on the road?e. W?During this campaign?All drivers who are on a Zusammensto?involved are independent?REGARDLESS of whether a crime of drunk driving or not suspected, or they are doomed to be breath tested. "Officials are also for the drivers, whose driving by drug use impair?its notorious is the number of forward on the rise. If an officer suspects that a person shall not drive through the use of drugs, they can be subjected to a field test for impairment. This test is an examination of the pupils and four psycho-physical tests, whether the F?ability to drive a person concerned must be indicated there. If we consider the case, then k?can the courts the same penalties for drunk driving, married?nts. "The message for this summer is when you have a car or motorcycle driver and intends to have a drink, or leave your car at home or ensure that someone who has not had a drink units. Do not you or other people's lives in danger. "
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