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Capital protects eyes crackdown on Nigerian fraud and Geldw?Scheme
  Add date: 10/26/2010   Publishing date: 10/26/2010   Hits: 60

Capital Eye has recently launched a bigIt completed the project in Nigeria to a Hochkar?sighted approach to Geldw?Scheme to protect and fraud schemes, with the support of UK Trade &Investment Team South East. 419 scams so under a law of the Parliament of Nigeria, named target companies or people with unsolicited fax, email or letter from Nigeria or another African country. Usually contain a Geldw?Scheme of fraud or other offers of illegal goods. At some point the business?defendants, an advance against royalties for a way to ask and if you do not pay, they are told "Complications "require further payments until the victim or to be concluded?s, out of money, or both, -. Capital Eye completed a comprehensive risk assessment for a Europ?Union research team met 419 'has fraud from West Africa that victims around the world. Capital goods safety eyes of the control assessment EFC headquarters Crimes Commission in Abuja and Lagos and Port Harcourt in premises - a comprehensive analysis of all the risks to persons, goods, information and a list of Schutzma?measures to improve the IT security setting of CCTV, intruder alarms, access control systems and procedures, safety of personnel.
The EFCC team is part of a campaign?a to corruption and Wirtschaftskriminalit?t by the government of Nigeria with the help of organizations like the Europ?To end the European Union and the United Nations and works closely with Interpol and the London Metropolitan Police. Their work is guided?annually because of the threat posed by criminal gangs running the scams that so far very little of the container?Earths fear: Capital Eye. Marketing and Operations Director, Simon Cooper said: "These scams are worth huge amounts of money, so that guided Nigeria?Dangerous for land for the officials to bek fraud?fighting work in. It is important that security is tight - the protection of research teams and their families to ensure that the seat is safe and the technology networks are not anf?llig for cyber-physical. We attack and ensured that the EFCC team fully aware of security threats and what should be done to the integrity?t to improve its employees and data ". And?adio: We have to work with the British government, business and international development projects. Our team of consultants are highly respected and experienced senior police, military?r, safety and special funds in the industry. We offer experience in the Bek?attenuation of terrorism, Verbrechensbek?attenuation, police and security intelligence and risk assessments on major facilities. Safety advice about building relationships around the success and reputation with customers. UK Trade &The investments have an important role in supporting the success of foreign capital?ndisches eyes played. It has helped us new M?Markets see and gave us a clear strategy of international business?fts. "
Since joining the UK Trade and InvestmentPassport to Export initiative of one?Last year, Capital Eye reps?GE in the Caribbean, Iraq, Afghanistan and Surrey Police recovered. UK Trade &Investment International Trade Advisor for Security, Phil Hodgins, said: "The security consulting business?ft is very konkurrenzf?capable, but the eyes of the capital demonstrates au?ergew?to try similar experiences and contacts Europ?to win the European Union. Now is a good starting position for the future work of the Europ?Union and winning within the state agencies on the continent. UK Trade &Investment Team South East offers a bige. range of services to different companies to develop with our international network of consultants dealing one on one with companies overseas companies Passport to Export initiative, is an ideal M?opportunity for companies to access our wide range of services - our training, market research missions and contacts in government and foreign?ndisches messages. UK Trade &Investment companies are the F?skills and confidence to compete on the international market. "

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