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Cyber-criminals are not only attack on humans
  Add date: 10/08/2010   Publishing date: 10/08/2010   Hits: 30
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Cyber-criminals begin mobile device?te as smartphones goal, but smartphone adoption have to reach critical mass before actively Cyber criminals target as a source of financial gain, according to a report from Kaspersky Lab In addition the report highlights neglect of?ssigung people that are the subject of attacks and the trend of increasing attacks on governmental organizations. The report by Yury Mashevsky, a virus analyst at Kaspersky Lab collected, analyzed the development of the criminal underground and provides an overview of the criminalization of the Internet w?during the year?or 2005. The report covers the following topics 1 The escalating confrontation between cyber criminals and anti-virus industry 2 The speed of response to new threats third Social engineering techniques, 4th Technologies used to gain by Cyberkriminalit?t increased 5?. Hen Recommendations for Users
Undoubtedly one of the gr??th trends in 2005, the escalation of confrontation, both between cyber criminals and anti-virus industry, but also in T?. Tern In addition, in 2005, cyber criminals have amplified their attacks on NGOs?RKT;This shows that they are no longer satisfied with the profits of the individual user. It has been clear for some time that the time of Einzelk?Exhaust cyber hooligan enthusiasts "Industriousnights programming in assembly language is a thing of the past. Many believe that large?s profits by cyber criminals made much h?have her as the income of the entire antivirus industry. Cyber criminals are the monitoring of T?ACTION of the anti-virus industry as closely as the anti-virus industry is tracking cyber criminals. For example, the use of multiple scanners (a collection of file-browser with all the major antivirus vendors used) see more?Changes of itself against databases of anti-virus vendors. The malicious programs are released only if they are not of any anti-L?development solutions are proven. Criminals try to subvert almost every phase of the anti-virus update:
* Step 1: verd?mighty content on a network (any type of network like the Internet, mobile, etc.) Cyber criminals use a variety of methods of discovery to escape, to identify and avoid being intercepted by node a virus and carrying out DDoS attacks included at nodes of this type (ie the node for the duration of the attack are blocked). Guidelines for mass mailing malware also makes a function?Ren difficult malware. The authors of Bagle, a well-known e-mail worm, users have access to the trail of links to b?Sartiges sites that displayed the latest versions of Bagle. Instead of beautifuldliche files downloaded to your computer h, user?Frequently click on the link displayed error messages. This type of blacklists is the intention of the disability of the company?n Anti-virus and organizations that the network activity?t follow. * Phase 2 Analysis of b?Sartiges code. There have been no new progress in this area;the only real?change is that polymorphic technologies to popularity?t decline to continue. Now is for executable files that are full of multiple packers (programs to compress the executable files so that files are still executed k?) Can, which are not recognized by anti-virus programs * Step 3 usual: release update. This is perhaps the only stage that cyber criminals have not been able to block effectively.

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