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Transus intermodal transportation cost savings in H?he $ 500,000 hat with Milestone IP video surveilHits:4
Transus Intermodal has 500,000 (the cost of the guards twenty-four hours) and a gr??ere control over security issues clearly saved, thanks to the Milestone IP Video berwachungsl?solution. With its remote access capabilities and a better o...09/02/2010
Kriminalit?t at seven percentHits:2
Kriminalit?t in England and Wales fell by seven percent in the last one?or, according to British Crime Survey (BCS). The police recorded Kriminalit?t, even today, ver?Published by a?o 31 M?March, 2005, is also 6 percent. Statistics...09/02/2010
Updates of lead poisoning, the n?chste Bad Spyware in the basket to beHits:1
A new threat has been identified by spyware: update poisoning. Adding entries?gene directly in the hosts file, this spyware breaks through firewalls and other anti-virus protection and poisons update functions?alando remarkable DNS (Domain...08/31/2010
PC Guardian wins four-star rating for safety notebook, desktop and security products for access contHits:3
Laptop theft is a growing problem. Although the latest figures for the United K?Kingdom are not available, the observed 2004 CSI / FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey in the U.S. that laptop theft zweith?Asked Kriminalit?t...08/30/2010
Administration password Ace gets the confidence of IT managersHits:2
The password?as will most of the basic element of any IT security system, but new evidence indicates that the investigation revealed that many organizations foreigners is still?solution to this obstacle first. According to new research...08/27/2010
NTA Monitor launches wireless infrastructure testsHits:1
Many organizations implement wireless technology without safety testing and are therefore exposed to potentially sensitive information and internal systems to attack. The problem had been wireless by their very nature, systems are more...08/26/2010
Emerging Infrastructure eCrime phishing attacks is increasing Phishers target the young?as a financiHits:1
The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) reported that phishers are the control of the parent co-optation growing Internet infrastructure and use it to target smaller financial institutions?ace. In general, you paint the survey and...08/25/2010
3G sue?or a security nightmareHits:2
Mobile Intelligent Technology is gaining in popularity of?t - and hackers and crackers are some of his gr??ten fans!Only very few consumers know the vulnerabilities of 3G technology, industry, and only now waking up to the security...08/24/2010
have 90% of the remote access VPN systems exploitable vulnerabilitiesHits:1
W?During a period of three to?I test VPN, NAT Monitor has discovered that 90% have the remote access VPN systems exploitable vulnerabilities. The experiments were mainly for bige einschlie organizations?worn Lich financial institutions had...08/23/2010
Declining Kriminalit? salutation?Hits:1
The quarterly figures from the Home Office Kriminalit?t show that the police and initiatives in partnership, is having an impact on Kriminalit?t and confidence?targeted public is ver?Published, according to official police chief....08/20/2010
Online shopping is as safe as shopping on Main Street?Hits:1
Despite the increasing number of reports of Internet scams, online purchasing is still as safe as buying in the street?e, according to NTA Monitor, a complete bigs British company Internet Security Testing Services. Although Eink?ufen over...08/17/2010
Modern Police Service is a force to be reckoned withHits:1
The government's program of reform of the United K?Kingdom ver?Published Wei?book Building Communities, Beating Crime 'on the very successful Neighbourhood policing initiatives and provide reassurance so necessary for our communities...08/05/2010
BSB aims to flush out fraudstersHits:3
BERKELEY SECURITY BUREAU (BSB) has officially launched its new corporate fraud and financial investigations unit. The launch, held yesterday at the Noura Brasserie in central London, was attended by around 50 people, many of whom are...08/08/2009
Cracking the password problemHits:22
IT SECURITY COMPANY SIGNIFY has produced a guide to the top five methods used by password pirates and how to combat them. The guide is published here in full. At present, the majority of companies use standard re-usable passwords to secure...08/08/2009
Terrorism Act comes into forceHits:2
THE TERRORISM ACT 2000 has come into force. The new Act provides for permanent UK-wide anti-terrorist legislation to replace the existing, separate pieces of temporary legislation for Northern Ireland and Great Britain. The Act...08/06/2009

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